CINVESTAV Guadalajara unit is committed to working in collaboration with the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) to drive the fourth transformation of Mexico's public life in accordance with the initiative of the General Law on Humanities, Sciences, Technologies, and Innovation (HCTI Law), presented by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. This research project focuses on the design and construction of a specialized laboratory for the development of autonomous robotic systems, with a focus on social robotics, aiming to create mobile devices that can be used to improve access to services and resources in vulnerable communities. The laboratory will be equipped with the latest technological advances in mobile robotics and will have a team of researchers specialized in social mobile robotics, whose potential lies in significantly improving the lives of people living in poverty through extensive outreach via scientific dissemination.

Currently, at the Intelligent Autonomous Robotics Laboratory (IAR Lab) of CINVESTAV Guadalajara, efforts are underway to integrate this technology into various fields such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, and clean energy, with the aim of achieving a significant social impact. While it is true that thanks to various support programs, investment funds, and research budgets provided by our country's government to CINVESTAV, the laboratory has been equipped with various technological development devices, the natural deterioration and obsolescence pose challenges to maintaining the quality standards demanded by the global scientific community. This is not to mention the inherent responsibility to give back to our society for the support received.